The world known as Daventry was created through magic. As legend began to fade into obscurity and magic became more and more persecuted, the magical beings of the Other World sought escape. They withdrew into a world they formed out of magic, known as Daventry, Serenia or, sometimes, as "Earth". The beings that live in Daventry rarely use any word to describe their realm, simply referring to it as "home" as Derek Karlavaegen explained in one of his correspondences to the Other World.
The world of Daventry is made up of the two main continents: Serenia, sometimes also called Daventry -- which is the continent that humans initially withdrew to; and Tanalore in the west. In the Southern Sea the small continent of Kolyma is found.
Daventry should not be confused with the Kingdom of Daventry or the continent that kingdom can be found on.
Real World[]
This is the world that the King's Quest series is set in. The name "Daventry" seems to have been inspired by "Daventria", which is in Europe.
External Links: King's Quest Omnipedia