The Spielburg Adventurers Guild is not the active community of swordsmen and spellcasters that it once was. In its current state, it serves more as a small museum and a reminder of the glory days of Spielburg Valley. Those who visit the town of Spielburg visit the guild to look at the various trophies on its walls, to read the entries in the guild logbook, and listen to the stories of the aging guildmaster Wolfgang Abenteur. The job board is covered in dust and seldom used. The trophies include the heads of a cheetaur, an antwerp, a saurus, a troll, a moose, and a dragon.
This was the state it was in when Devon Aidendale entered, signing the logbook and reading the job board. He managed to complete the assignments posted on the board, but whether or not Wolfgang remembered to remove the items afterwards is another matter.