During the year 1 BC, a force wave struck the Earth, creating an alternate and highly magical alternate world; Glorianna. Due to its origins and its highly magical nature, time travels unevenly through the world which allows some civilizations to be much more advanced than others. This has also altered the evolution of some races, creating the Katta, Liontaurs, and many other races unique to Glorianna. Though the continents and land masses are mostly the same as Earth's, the stars outside the planet are wholly different.
Glorianna consists of many lands, including the continents of Fricana and Vespucciland and the lands of Damascus, Silmaria, Mordavia, Spielburg Valley, Shapeir, Gaul, Gramarye, Hesparia, Inja, Falworth, Willowsby, Jotunheim, Petalumeir, Surria, and Zurich.
This is the world that the Quest for Glory games are set in.